

Stack memory and heap memory are two types of memory used by computer programs for different purposes. They differ in terms of allocation, deallocation, and scope.

1. Stack Memory

1. Automatic Memory Allocation:

2. Fixed Size:

3. Faster Access:

4. Limited Lifetime:

5. Thread-Specific:

Heap Memory:

1. Dynamic Memory Allocation:

2. Variable Size:

3. Slower Access:

4. Extended Lifetime:

5. Shared Among Threads:


Here's a simple example in C++ to illustrate the difference:

void stackExample() {
    int x = 10;  // Variable allocated on the stack
    // ...
}  // Memory for 'x' is automatically deallocated when the function exits

void heapExample() {
    int* arr = new int[5];  // Dynamic memory allocation on the heap
    // ...
    delete[] arr;  // Manual deallocation
}  // Memory for the array is deallocated manually

int main() {
    return 0;

In stackExample, the variable x is allocated on the stack, and its memory is automatically deallocated when the function exits. In heapExample, an array is allocated on the heap using new, and its memory is deallocated manually using delete[].

Table of difference

Certainly! Here's the table without the bold formatting:


Characteristic Stack Memory Heap Memory
----------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------
Allocation Type Automatic (compiler manages) Manual (programmer manages)
Size Fixed and limited Dynamic and can grow or shrink
Access Speed Faster Slower due to its more complex structure
Lifetime Limited (scoped to function) Extended (may persist beyond function scope)
Thread Specific Yes (each thread has its own stack) No (shared among all threads)
Usage Examples Local variables, function call info Dynamic data structures, objects
Memory Management Automatic (compiler handles deallocation) Manual (programmer must deallocate using delete or free)